Here you will find some information about the Fairy Type. First a short description of the type. Second is a listing of what types it is strong and weak against. After that there is a listing of all the Fairy cards you can unlock and use as the Fairy type.
Description For Fairy
The one thing everyone can agree on is that Fairy is the most annoying type to fight. Constant confusion and sleeping will drive anyone crazy. This makes it tempting to use it as a main deck in every fight. It is not the most offensive type however, and there are allot of cards to pick and choose from. This can make it difficult to pare with a secondary or to use it as a secondary. If the right ratio is found it could be a very strong deck.
Strengths & Weaknesses
This is broken down into four categories.
- very effective attacks: When you would give double or more damage.
- Not effective attack: When you would give half or less damage.
- Very strong defense: When you would take half or less damage.
- very bad defense: When you would take double or more damage.
Very Effective Attack:
Not Effective Attack:
Very Effective Defense:
Not Effective defense:
*** *** ***
Cards Of The Fairy Type
requires the launcher to be fairy type, 100 % success The launcher's type level is modified by 1 has a passive effect in the hand (+1 power on fairy launched attacks, ) (fairy, type, passive effect)
100 % success the target has a 100 % chance of becoming +1 in confusion, for up to 1 turns (fairy, mouth, sound, status, offensive)
100 % success the target has a 100 % chance of becoming -1 in physical attack, -1 in physical defense, for up to 4 turns (fairy, contact, hand, stat, offensive)
100 % success the target has a 100 % chance of becoming -1 in special attack, -1 in special defense, for up to 4 turns (fairy, mouth, stat, offensive)
elixir of bravery:
has a level 1 critical failiure, 100 % success the launcher has a 100 % chance of becoming -1 in fear, for up to 4 turns (fairy, elixir, status)
fair compensation:
works as a reaction against a physical card, 100 % success the launcher has a 100 % chance to take 1 card from their deck The target gets 1 fair compensation cards in their hand (fairy, reaction, manipulation, offensive)
honorable compensation:
works as a reaction against a type card, follows the number of cards in the target's hand 100 % success the launcher has a 100 % chance to put 1 card into their discard pile the target has a 100 % chance to take 1 card from their deck the launcher has a 100 % chance to take 1 card in the target's hand (fairy, reaction, manipulation, offensive)
100 % success the launcher has a 100 % chance to take 1 card mirror from their deck (fairy, manipulation)
musical note:
works as a reaction against a sound card, 100 % success The launcher gets 2 musical note cards in their hand (fairy, sound, reaction)
finger snap:
60 % success the target has a 100 % chance of switching his type (fairy, sound, hand, double try, offensive, type)
light symbol
100 % success The launcher gets 2 light symbol cards in their hand has a passive effect in the hand (+1 power on major symbol launched attacks, +2 power on major symbol received attacks) (fairy, minor symbol, passive effect)
immunity against dragon:
works as a parry against a "dragon" card requires the launcher to be "fairy" type, 85 % success The launcher gets 1 "immunity against dragon" cards in their hand, The launcher can't draw during 1 turns, (fairy, parry)
fairy aura:
level 1 100 % success the launcher has a 100 % chance of becoming -2 in curse, for up to 8 turns (fairy, status)
audio power:
level 1 100 % success the launcher has a 100 % chance to take 1 card sound from their deck (fairy, manipulation)
level 1 100 % success the target has a 100 % chance of becoming -2 in physical attack, for up to 4 turns (fairy, stat, offensive)
play rough:
level 1 4 physical power, 100 % success the target has a 30 % chance of becoming +1 in confusion, for up to 1 turns (fairy, contact, physical, offensive)
seven-league boot:
level 1 requires the launcher to be fairy type, 100 % success the launcher has a 100 % chance of becoming -2 in success, +2 in critical failure, for up to 7 turns The launcher's type level is modified by 7 The launcher can't change types during 7 turns (fairy, foot, type, prohibition, stat)
truth mirror:
level 1 works as a parry against a dark card, follows the number of dark cards in the target's hand 2 magical power, 100 % success (fairy, mirror, parry, magical, offensive)
fair play whistle:
level 1 works as a parry against a multi-hit card, 60 % success the target has a 100 % chance to put 1 card multi-hit into their exile (fairy, parry, double try, sound, manipulation, offensive)
magical shield:
level 1 works as a parry against a ghost card 8 magical power, 100 % success the target has a 50 % chance of becoming -1 in special defense, for up to 2 turns has a passive effect in the hand (+1 power on weapon launched attacks, -1 power on ray received attacks) (fairy, weapon, shield, parry, magical, offensive, passive effect)
healing touch:
Level 1, can only target an ally 100 % success adds 20 health points to the target, (fairy, hand, contact, support)
magic armor:
level 2 100 % success the launcher has a 100 % chance of becoming +2 in special defense, for up to 8 turns (fairy, stat)
audio therapy:
level 2 works following the number of sound cards in the launcher's hand, 100 % success adds 3 health points to the launcher (fairy, sound)
magical flute:
level 2 100 % success the launcher has a 100 % chance of becoming -1 in confusion, -2 in sleep, for up to 3 turns The launcher gets 1 musical note cards in their hand (fairy, sound, status)
sweet kiss:
level 3 100 % success the target has a 100 % chance of becoming +1 in confusion, for up to 4 turns (fairy, mouth, contact, status, offensive)
magic sword:
level 3 5 physical power, has a level 1 critical hit, 100 % success the launcher has a 5 % chance of becoming +1 in physical attack, for up to 4 turns (fairy, weapon, sword, physical, offensive)
peace treaty:
level 3 80 % success the launcher has a 100 % chance to put 10 card offensive into their discard pile the target has a 100 % chance to put 10 card offensive into their discard pile The launcher can't draw during 2 turns The target can't draw during 2 turns (fairy, manipulation, offensive, prohibition)
fairy song:
level 3 3 magical power, 100 % success the target has a 15 % chance of becoming +1 in confusion, for up to 1 turns the launcher has a 100 % chance to take 1 card musical note from their exile (fairy, sound, mouth, magical, offensive, manipulation)
light arrow:
level 3 4 magical power, has a level 6 critical hit, 100 % success (fairy, arrow, magical, offensive)
stimulating music:
Level 3, can only target an ally 100 % success the target has a 100 % chance to take 1 card from their deck, (fairy, sound, manipulation, support)
Level 3, can only target an ally 100 % success The target's type level is modified by 4, (fairy, type, support)
hands off:
level 4 80 % success the target has a 100 % chance to put 2 card hand into their exile (fairy, manipulation, offensive)
environmental shelter:
level 4 90 % success the target has a 100 % chance to put 2 card environment into their exile (fairy, manipulation, offensive)
level 4 100 % success the target has a 100 % chance to put 1 card offensive into their discard pile (fairy, manipulation, offensive)
fairy wind:
level 4 5 magical power, 100 % success (fairy, wind, magical, offensive)
level 5 100 % success the launcher has a 100 % chance to take 2 card powder from their deck (fairy, manipulation)
blue blood:
level 5 works following the number of bleeding cards in the launcher's hand, 100 % success the launcher has a 100 % chance of becoming +1 in physical attack, for up to 1 turns the launcher has a 100 % chance of becoming -1 in fear, for up to 4 turns the launcher has a 100 % chance to put 1 card bleeding into their exile (fairy, blood, stat, status, manipulation)
power word:
Level 5, can only target an ally 100 % success the target has a 100 % chance of becoming +2 in special attack, +2 in special defense, for about 8 turns, (fairy, mouth, sound, stat, support)
light word:
Level 5, can only target an ally 100 % success the target has a 100 % chance of becoming -2 in confusion, -4 in curse, -2 in paralysis, for about 4 turns, (fairy, mouth, sound, status, support)
draining kiss:
level 6 5 magical power, 100 % success the launcher regains 75 % of the damages caused to the target the target has a 20 % chance of becoming -1 in physical attack, -1 in special attack, for up to 2 turns the target has a 50 % chance of becoming +1 in confusion, for up to 1 turns (fairy, mouth, contact, magical, offensive, absorption)
level 6 100 % success The launcher takes the bard posture (+3 power on sound launched attacks, +1 power on mouth launched attacks, -4 power on physical launched attacks, +3 power on weapon received attacks, +2 power on physical received attacks, -2 power on sound received attacks) (fairy, posture)
Level 6 follows the number of weapon cards in the target's hand, 80 % success the target has a 100 % chance to put 1 card weapon into their discard pile (fairy, manipulation, offensive)
dazzling gleam:
level 8 8 magical power, 100 % success the target has a 50 % chance of becoming -2 in success, for up to 2 turns (fairy, magical, offensive)
fairy sonata:
level 9 7 magical power, 85 % success the launcher has a 40 % chance of becoming +1 in special attack, for up to 2 turns The launcher gets 1 musical note cards in their hand (fairy, sound, magical, offensive)
disquieting dream:
level 10 works following the target's sleep status, 100 % success the target has a 100 % chance of becoming +1 in confusion, for up to 4 turns (fairy, status, offensive)
magical banquet:
Level 10, can only target an ally 100 % success the target has a 100 % chance of becoming -1 in poison, -2 in sleep, for about 4 turns, The target gets 1 "hero elixir" cards in their hand, (fairy, status, support)
level 11 90 % success the target has a 100 % chance of becoming +2 in sleep, for up to 2 turns (fairy, mouth, sound, status, offensive)
magical exchange:
level 13 follows the number of magical cards in the target's hand, 80 % success the launcher has a 100 % chance to take 1 card magical in the target's deck, The target gets 1 fair compensation cards in their hand (fairy, manipulation, offensive)
magical explosion:
level 12 15 magical power, 100 % success the launcher has a 100 % chance of becoming -2 in special attack, -2 in special defense, for up to 4 turns the target has a 80 % chance of becoming -2 in success, for up to 4 turns (fairy, explosion, magical, offensive, stat)
siren song:
level 14 8 magical power, 95 % success the launcher has a 100 % chance to take 2 card musical note from their exile The target can't draw during 1 turns (fairy, sound, mouth, magical, offensive, prohibition, manipulation)
environmental punishment:
level 15 follows the number of environment cards in the target's exile, 10 magical power, 100 % success (fairy, magical, offensive)
hero of the century:
Level 15, can only target an ally 100 % success The target gets 1 "legendary sword" cards in their hand, (fairy, support)
unicorn tackle:
level 20 20 physical power, has a level 1 critical hit, 90 % success the launcher suffers 40 % of the damages caused to the target the target has a 50 % chance of becoming +2 in confusion, for up to 1 turns (fairy, tackle, contact, physical, offensive)
magical score:
level 22 works following the number of musical note cards in the launcher's hand, 100 % success The launcher gets 1 musical note cards in their hand (fairy)
symphony of the forest:
level 28 works following the number of musical note cards in the launcher's hand 4 magical power, 90 % success the launcher has a 100 % chance to put 1 card musical note into their exile (fairy, sound, magical, offensive, manipulation)
transfer symbol
Level 30 works following the number of minor symbol cards in the launcher's hand 100 % success The target has a 100 % chance to take 1 card minor symbol in the launcher's hand (fairy, major symbol, manipulation, offensive)