BSG's Alter Aeon Articles Home

Here you will find an asortment of helpful articles on a wide variety of topics covering how to have the most success in Alter Aeon. These are all geared towards the new player, someone who is trying to learn Alter for the first time. Some of the content here will not make sense to an experienced player, but that is intentional. Alter can be a lot to wrap your head around at the start, and these are meant to help with that learning curve. More will be added as time passes, and as people request more.

The Best Class Setups For a New Player

March 1st, 2021 by Smoke
For an advanced player just about any class combination can be made to work, but for new players there are combinations that can make the game feel impossible. Certain classes share stats, and pare together very well. In the below articles I go through some of the most common, and easiest combinations to play for three classes, along with what makes them work well together, and some of the issues you can also expect.

Quick Info For The First Time Player

March 12th, 2021 by Smoke
This article goes over some info directet at the person opening mush for the first time ever. This is covers some useful mush-z commands, as well as some basic Alter information to help you not get overwelmed with a new game. Quick Info For The First Time Player

When To Level Your Classes vs Subclasses

March 11th, 2021 by Smoke
It seems like it could get confusing figuring out which of your six classes to level. Luckily the game will always point you to the proper class to level, and Mush-Z helps with the alt+x command. There are some other situations where it is okay to level on your own schedule, but other times where it is not good. When To Level Your Classes vs Subclasses

Stats & What They Actually Do

March 1st, 2021 by Smoke
It is pretty easy to understand that stats are needed for training spells and skills, but what else are they used for? In this post I try and explain all the uses of the six Alter Aeon stats, and how they can help your character, even if they aren't required for learning spells in your primary or secondary classes.
Stats & What They Actually Do

The Importance of Cast & Skill Level on Equipment

March 1st, 2021 by Smoke
This is one of the most important things in the entire game of Alter Aeon, but it isn't discussed anywhere which is easy for a new player to find. Many people have issues with the game, and it all stems from a lack of equipment with cast level or skill level. This article explains the importance of cast level, and explains why you need to always be +17.
The Importance of Cast & Skill Level on Equipment


Why Use Mush-Z?

March 1st, 2021 by Smoke
In this article I go through some of the benifits to using MushZ, and what makes it unique. Also some talk on what plugins are good to install, and what some of the features are you can expect in Mush, along with why they are helpful.
Why Use Mush-Z?

Coming To Terms With Dying

March 1st, 2021 by Smoke
Dying is something that happens, even to those who are the most careful. Knowing that it happens is good, but avoiding it is better. This article covers both, getting over dying, but also how to avoid dying, along with what you will lose when you do kick the alter bucket.
Coming To Terms With Dying

How To Manage Practices

March 1st, 2021 by Smoke
Almost all new players get themselves stuck in a practice deficit corner, and it can make you feel like quitting the game. Hopefully this article can help you avoid that with some advice on how to plan for the future, what to spend practices on, and what to expect.
How To Manage Practices

Quests & Why You Should Do Them

March 1st, 2021 by Smoke
Alter is a game where quests are your in game tutorial. They teach you everything you need to know to play the game successfully, but still some people don't do them. This article lays out the five reasons you need to do the main quests, and specifically how they will help you.
Quests & Why You Should Do Them

Necessary Defensive Spells For Every Character

March 1st, 2021 by Smoke
No matter what class you are, there are certain spells and skills every character should learn. Without these you can expect to have a very hard time of it, especially on the third island and the mainland. This article covers all of them, and explains why they are important.

Defensive Spells For Every Character

The Importance Of Normal Save

March 1st, 2021 by Smoke
Normal save isn't covered as much as elemental saves, but it has a wider use. This article covers the different ways to get normal saves for multiple classes, and stresses how important they really are. No matter your class setup, you can ensure at least some normsave for not too much effort. The Importance Of Normal Save

Spells That Give Stat Boosts

March 11th, 2021 by Smoke
There are a few spells in game you can use to boost your strength, dexterity, or charisma. They are a great way to save practices in the short term, but they also have their drawbacks. Both the benefits and disadvantages are covered in this article Spells That Give Stat Boosts

How To Avoid Backstabs

March 1st, 2021 by Smoke
When you first run into a backstab from one of the brown scorpions in the shadow claw swamp you understand how horrible a backstab can be. More than one person has been one hit killed there, but there are some things you can do to avoid that backstab, and any others you run into after that.
How to avoid backstabs

The Importance Of Druidic Carving

March 1st, 2021 by Smoke
Druidic carving is something which is not pointed out enough, but something which is so important it cannot be overstated enough. Having a druid carve your equipment is a game changer in Alter Aeon, and something which is discussed at length in this post. There are really only two things you need to be aware of, and Smoke lays them out for everyone.
The Importance Of Druidic Carving

The Magic Of Equipment Sets

March 1st, 2021 by Smoke
Equipment sets are an irreplaceable part of alter, and something which will make your life much easier. This is a short article pointing out the two different options for sets, how to use them, and how to get more info on them in game. The magic of equipment sets

How To Make Gold

March 1st, 2021 by Smoke
Gold seems to always be an issue for people once they get to the mainland. There is no way to be an alter millionaire over night, but there are some ways you can create a steady flow of gold. This article talks about these in depth as learned from first hand experience. How to make gold

What To Spend Credits On

March 1st, 2021 by Smoke
There are a lot of credit buy options, but not all are created equal. In this article I cover what I feel are the most important things you can buy with credits. This is simply what I feel is the most bang for your credit, and what will help you the most for the longest time in game
What To Spend Credits On

Alter Aeon Official Articles

From a long time ago to today
This links to the Alter Aeon official Articles page at The articles here cover a lot of topics from different authors. Some of them are out of date, but It is still a good source for a lot of Alter related information, especially for people over level 30.
Alter Aeon Official Articles