The Specials & Pods Pages
These two pages are very similar so they are being covered on the same guide. I will cover them individually but still they are combined into the same guide.
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The Specials Page
You can get to this page by searching "specials" or any part of the word. It will jump you to the proper text in the bottom nav bar/footer. Once on the specials page you will notice it is very simple, and very similar to your ship load out page.
Directly under the Assets Tab you will find a little bit of text. This will just be telling you about a CE store upgrade followed by your ship type then how many special slots you have on your specific ship. Each ship has different amounts of special slots depending on the ship. This will range from 2 to 10, or 15 if you have the CE store perk.
Again like with the ship loadout the special slots are organized in a table but the best way to jump between them is with "B" to jump by button. They will read as nothing equipped if the special slot is empty. If there is something equipped there then it will read the name of that item for the button.
To equip something in a slot click on an empty button and you will be brought to a page which lists all the specials in your ship store. They will be sorted in a table that has the following headers.
Item Name: The name of the special.
Qty in Store: How many you have stored on your ship.
Type: what it is such as armour buff or speed buff.
Required Level: The minimum level to equip it. This is the only limiting factor for specials.
Equip: A button to equip the specific special.
You can go through the table using table commands and find the item you are looking for. Once you find it using table commands again move all the way to the right of the proper item and press the button to equip it. You will be brought to a conformation page again. Clicking continue will bring you right back to your ship's specials screen.
The Pods Page
Under the Assets Tab you will have the same text you had on the specials page with one additional line. First it will have a link to buy more pod slots as a perk in the CE store. Following this is your ship type, then under that will be how many pod points you are using followed by your total pod points. This is 10 by default but you can get an upgrade to bump that up to 15.
Also like with the specials page there is a table which formats all the buttons for your pods. The best way is to jump with "B" to move by buttons. An empty pod slot will read out as "button Nothing Installed". You will have 2 pod slots on your starter ship, but better ships will have up to 10 without any CE store perks.
Clicking on a empty pod slot button will bring you to a page which lists all the pods you have stored in your ship. They will be sorted in a table with the table headers of:
Item Name: The name of the pod.
Qty: How many of the specific pod you have stored in your ship.
Type: What type of pod it is, such as fuel transfer, Mako, or Turret.
Pod Points: How many points the specific pod uses up.
Required Level: The minimum level to equip it. This is the only limiting factor aside from pod points.
Equip: A button to equip it onto your ship.
You can go through the table using table commands and find the item you are looking for. Once you find it using table commands again move all the way to the right of the proper item and press the button to equip it. You will be brought to a conformation page again. Clicking continue will bring you right back to your ship's Pods screen.